Numerology Names

Horoscope - Numerology Names

Good morning. Yesterday, I discovered Horoscope - Numerology Names. Which is very helpful in my opinion and also you. Numerology Names

Did you know that all names are Numerology names?

What I said. It is not in conclusion that the real about Horoscope. You see this article for facts about what you wish to know is Horoscope.


That is because all names can be translated into their numerical/numerological meaning, simply by applying each letter to its numerical equivalent.

It's as easy as A, B, C.

For example:



C=3 and so on until the end of the alphabet.

So let's take a look at a random name.

'Geoff Andrew Jones'.

Numerologically his name looks like this:

















His name contains:










Very briefly this means that he has 3 karmic lessons to learn.

These are indicated by the fact that he has no letters that impart to the numbers 2, 3 or 8.

Missing a 2 means that he needs to learn patience and to pay attention to all details.

Missing a 3 means that he will have to be expressive and dramatic in this life in order to be heard.

Missing an 8 means that he has to learn the value of money while this life time.

Having someone else quick look at Geoff's numerology name we see that he has a lot of 5's in his name. However, a lot of habitancy do, as the letter E relates to the number 5 and the letter E is the most used letter of the alphabet. So Geoff isn't unusual here.

He does though, also have a lot of 6's in his name and this isn't usual. Because he has four 6's in his name (whereas most habitancy only have 1) this warrants supplementary investigation.

The number 6, in general, represents love, harmony, accountability and the family. Because Geoff has a lot, doesn't automatically mean that he's very loving. Instead he has an overload of the number that can have a detrimental effect on his personality.

Having this many 6's in a name means that he's over-responsible, taking on his and others responsibilities when easily he shouldn't.

He may be very particular and fussy, wanting things 'just so'. This is because of the strong sense of harmony and beauty that he feels.

He is also likely to have very rigid views, knowing just what is right for everybody else, either they ask his notion or not. This attitude comes from him reasoning he's coming from a place of love and therefore he'll think that his suggestions should be listened to!

So having read that you may be reasoning that less is more.

Actually in Numerology as in most metaphysical subjects, what is hoped for is balance. Therefore we wouldn't want a name with too few or too many 6's. With one or two 6's in a name, a man would feel a natural sense of love and accountability towards his family and friends and shouldn't feel or be perceived as out of balance.

Apart from many other aspects, Numerology can highlight your strengths and limitations from your name (as it appears on your birth certificate).

This helps you to be self-aware and know what aspects of yourself to work on, should you wish too.

Depending on your Destiny number and the life you lead, some over-balanced or under balanced numbers may easily suit you.

Understanding Numerology names just gives you a deeper insight into your character and helps you to love or at least tolerate yourself better!

I hope you receive new knowledge about Horoscope. Where you'll be able to offer utilization in your life. And above all, your reaction is passed about Horoscope.


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