Caregiver Versus Personal Attendant - Wages and Benefits

Attorney General Child Support Interactive - Caregiver Versus Personal Attendant - Wages and Benefits

Good afternoon. Now, I learned about Attorney General Child Support Interactive - Caregiver Versus Personal Attendant - Wages and Benefits. Which is very helpful to me therefore you. Caregiver Versus Personal Attendant - Wages and Benefits

Are you a caregiver or a personal attendant who works in a underground household or home? As a household worker whether as a caregiver or personal attendant, are you entitled to minimum wage? Over-time pay? Other benefits?

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Attorney General Child Support Interactive

If hired directly by an personel or family, your benefits are distinct from one who is hired by a underground firm or division and governed by normal employment laws: applicable federal and state statutes.

A live-in worker as opposed to a live-out worker is subject to extra work rules discussed below.

A caregiver or "care custodian" is defined by Section 15610.17 of the California Welfare and Institutions Code as:

"... An administrator or an worker of...public or underground facilities or agencies, or persons providing care or services for elders or dependent adults, along with members of the keep staff and maintenance staff."

A "personal attendant" is not entitled to overtime compensation, unless: (1.) he or she is a live-in employee; or (2.) he or she does normal household work (cleaning, cooking, feeding, dressing, or supervising) that exceeds 20% of the total work time; or (3.) he or she does nurse-like duties (checking pulse, taking temperature, giving medication) more than 20% of the total work time.

In these three instances, the household worker is no longer thought about a "personal attendant" and is entitled to overtime pay. Otherwise, light house keeping and cooking chores qualify as work exempt from overtime compensation.

Personal Attendant As Defined In Ca Iwc Wage Order 15:

Section 2(J) of the California market Welfare Commission (Iwc) Wage Order No. 15-2001 defines "personal attendant" as follows:

"'Personal attendant' includes baby sitters and means any person employed by a underground householder or by any third party employer recognized in the condition care business to work in a underground household, to supervise, feed or dress a child or person who by speculate of industrialized age, bodily disability, or thinking deficiency needs supervision. The status of 'personal attendant' shall apply when no valuable number of work other than the foregoing is required."

Indeed, the California division of Labor Standards compulsion (Dlse) has historically adopted the approved used in the federal regulations, 29 C.F.R. 552.6 on "companionship services," to wit:

"...(T)he term 'companionship services' shall mean those services which supply fellowship, care, and security for a person who, because of industrialized age or bodily or thinking infirmity, cannot care for his or her own needs. Such services may consist of household work linked to the care of the aged or infirm person such as meal preparation, bed making, washing of clothes, and other similar services. They may also consist of the doing of normal household work: Provided, however, that such work is incidental, i.e., does not exceed 20 percent of the total weekly hours worked."

Federal regulations, 29 C.F.R 552.6, supra, supplementary clarifies that:

"The term 'companionship services' does not consist of services linked to the care and security of the aged or infirm that require and are performed by trained personnel, such as registered or practical nurse."

Thus, the approved duties of a "personal attendant" involve activities of daily living such as getting in or out of bed, showering, bathing, using a toilet. A "personal attendant's" duties of "supervising" would consist of assistance in obtaining curative care, preparation meals, shopping for personal items or groceries, using a telephone, even managing money.

As long as any normal housekeeping duties performed do not exceed 20% of the weekly working time spent by a "personal attendant," he or she is exempted from the protections of California Wage Order No. 15-2001 such as overtime compensation, etc., except for minimum wage. But prior to 2001, a classification as "personal attendant" also excluded minimum wage in California.

This overtime recompense exemption also applies to "personal attendants" as well as other household workers such as caregivers, spending 20% or less of their working time doing normal household work, who are employed by an division and sent to underground households to work.

Benefits Of Household Workers:

A. Minimum Wage:

The state minimum wage covers all employees, along with household workers (live-in employees, caregivers, and "personal attendants") but excluding legitimate independent contractors. The current California minimum wage is .00 per hour since January 1, 2008, a 6.7% growth over the former .50 minimum wage.

There are any factors that rule whether a person is an independent contractor or not. But the original factor is control by the employer of the means, manner and outcome of the job. An independent contractor runs his or her own household services business, has his or her tools and materials, and controls the manner and outcome of the job.

Independent contractors are not covered by minimum wage and overtime recompense statutes.

B. Overtime Pay:

Household workers who are not live-in employees, as well as "personal attendants" who do normal household work that exceeds 20% of their weekly working time, are entitled to overtime compensation, consisting of one and one half times their regular rate of pay for working more than eight (8) hours in a day, or more than (40) hours in a week.

Live-in employees must be paid one and one half times the regular rate for all hours worked over twelve (12) hours (instead of over eight (8) hours) in one work day for five (5) workdays. On the sixth and seventh day, live-in employees must be paid duplicate the regular rate for all hours worked over (9) hours per day. See California Iwc Wage Order No. 15-2001 3(A)-(B) (8 Cal Code Regs. 11150(3)(A)-(B)).

Under federal law, 29 U.S.C. 213(a)(15), "any worker employed on a casual basis in domestic service employment to supply babysitting services or any worker employed in domestic service employment to supply companionship services for individuals who (because of age or infirmity) are unable to care for themselves" is granted exemptions from minimum wage and overtime pay.

C. Other Benefits Of Household Workers:

1. Hours And Days Of Work:

A live-in worker is entitled to at least twelve (12) consecutive hours free of duty during each workday of twenty-four (24) hours, and the total span of hours for a day of work should not exceed twelve (12) hours, except that: (a) the worker must have at least three (3) hours free of duty during the 12 hours span of work; and (b) the worker required or permitted to work during scheduled off-duty hours or during the 12 consecutive off-duty hours must be paid one and one-half times the regular rate of pay for all such hours worked. See California Iwc Wage Order No. 15-2001 3(A).

Moreover, no live-in worker shall be required to work more than five (5) days in any one workweek without a day off of not less than 24 consecutive hours except in an emergency. See California Iwc Wage Order No. 15-2001 3(B).

2. Rest And Meal Periods:

Household workers are entitled to a ten-minute paid rest break for every four (4) hours of work under California Iwc Wage Order No. 15-2001 12(A), and a thirty-minute meal period of every five (5) hours worked, just like others kinds of employees, under California Iwc Wage Order No. 15-2001 11(A).

Otherwise, the employer shall pay the worker one (1) hour of pay at regular rate for each workday that the rest period, or the meal period is not provided. See California Iwc Wage Order No. 15-2001 12(B), 11(D). But "personal attendants" are not granted rest and meal periods.

3. Meal And Housing Deductions From Wages:

The employer may subtract meal and housing toll from the employee's paycheck if: (a) the worker unmistakably uses the meals and is provided with housing; (b) meals and housing are used as wage to comply with the minimum wage; and (c) the worker executes a voluntary, written agreement, crediting meals and housing towards minimum wage.

Meal prestige may be deducted as follows: morning meal - .45; lunch - .35, and supper - .50. Housing may also be credited at .75 per week for a room (.20 if shared). See California Iwc Wage Order No. 15 - 2001 10(C).

In summary, whether you are a caregiver or a "personal attendant" entitled to particular wages and benefits in California or in other states depends on whether the normal household work you do exceeds 20% of your total work time.

(The Author, Roman P. Mosqueda, practices wage and hour law in California.

This article is not legal advice, and no attorney-client association is formed with the reader. For specific labor law issues, consult a competent attorney.)

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February 2012 Horoscope

Horoscope - February 2012 Horoscope

Good evening. Now, I found out about Horoscope - February 2012 Horoscope. Which is very helpful to me therefore you. February 2012 Horoscope

Aries (March 21 to April 20)

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Your spiritual and moral values will take a sudden turn that will win the affections of many but raise the eyebrows of others. You need to be fully committed on any operation that you wish to pursue. There will be a lot of changes in your life in general. A long-term connection may come to an end or temporary break.

Taurus (April 21 to May 21)

Love is in the air for you, and cupid's arrow is set to hit you nearby Valentine's week. A particular Taurus is very likely to find a good match; while those in a relationship, especially with someone born under the sign of Capricorn, will reach new heights in their love. Money will be a tiny staggered, but you will get straight through without any serious financial difficulties.

Gemini (May 22 to June 21)

You will build a new routine or convention at work that will allow you to spend more time with your house and friends. A lecture or argument appears to be the source of this sudden inspiration. Your occupation will also benefit from this, but unexpected spending necessities will place in you a shaky financial condition.

Cancer (June 22 to July 22)

You will be surrounded by obvious physical energies this month. This would be a good time to get into a sport or wholesome past time such as yoga or jogging. You will peruse an piquant fact about your lover that will dampen the mood a little. Strong obvious vibes will prevail, and even money will be a continuous inflow.

Leo (July 23 to August 21)

An leading part will be learned by month's end. Tempers may rise and heated arguments may break in the middle of you and a very close friend or relative. Muster your pride and learn when to hold back. Your finances will be in good shape but there will be minor difficulties in getting bills paid on time.

Virgo (August 22 to September 23)

Keep your eyes open, because a job chance or secret admirer is about to find its way to your doorstep straight through a phone call. It will come at a time that you least expect it, and the good news will have a ripple result on your love, career, and money. Keep your optimism to attract more good luck.

Libra (September 24 to October 23)

Prepare yourself for a financial breakthrough. If you have been wanting to find a new job, now's a good time to grind your pencil, dust off the resume, put on your best smile, and hit the pavement. A promotion is also very likely to occur. Your financial concerns at the beginning of the month will soon fade.

Scorpio (October 24 to November 22)

Your grace and humility will be put to the test. someone is carefully to embarrass you in public, or at least put you on the spot. It could be a close competitor at work, or a friendly-rivalry-gone-bad. Your partner will be in a grim disposition, so better not to involve him/her. Money matters will reach a troublesome point, but there troubles will soon end before you know it.

Sagittarius (November 23 to December 22)

Your intuition will be an asset this month but you need to take extra care before jumping to any conclusions or assumptions. A house member may call on you for help; financially or emotionally. Be ready to expand a hand. Your love life will go straight through a bumpy ride and major decisions will have to be made by month's end.

Capricorn (December 23 to January 20)

Keep your foot firmly on the ground when it comes to helping old friends. Your good intentions may encourage undesirable behavior. Take the time to talk things over. Transportation will also be a strong point of moot in the middle of you and your partner. Financially, your resources will remain aplenty.

Aquarius (January 21 to February 19)

Your may taste a sudden and dramatic 90-degree turn in your career. It will trigger an old sore spot with a colleague and will also pose an issue in your love life. Anything the challenges will be, the allembracing impact will turn out positive. As a matter of fact, you may even find yourself in a better position than you initially expected.

Pisces (February 20 to March 20)

This is a great time for you to hone a skill or talent. You will have a long break from work and your personal connection will also take a slow pace. Focus more on your own needs. Take a policy in cooking or martial arts. Entertain yourself because everyone else will seem to be very busy living their lives.

I hope you get new knowledge about Horoscope. Where you possibly can offer use in your life. And most of all, your reaction is passed about Horoscope.

Hospice Fraud - A recap For Employees, Whistleblowers, Attorneys, Lawyers and Law Firms

Attorney General Texas - Hospice Fraud - A recap For Employees, Whistleblowers, Attorneys, Lawyers and Law Firms

Good evening. Now, I learned about Attorney General Texas - Hospice Fraud - A recap For Employees, Whistleblowers, Attorneys, Lawyers and Law Firms. Which is very helpful to me and also you. Hospice Fraud - A recap For Employees, Whistleblowers, Attorneys, Lawyers and Law Firms

Hospice fraud in South Carolina and the United States is an expanding question as the whole of hospice patients has exploded over the past few years. From 2004 to 2008, the whole of patients receiving hospice care in the United States grew practically 40% to nearly 1.5 million, and of the 2.5 million habitancy who died in 2008, nearly one million were hospice patients. The extraordinary majority of habitancy receiving hospice care receive federal benefits from the federal government straight through the Medicare or Medicaid programs. The health care providers who furnish hospice services traditionally enroll in the Medicare and Medicaid programs in order to qualify to receive payments under these government programs for services rendered to Medicare and Medicaid eligible patients.

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Attorney General Texas

While most hospice health care organizations furnish acceptable and ethical rehabilitation for their hospice patients, because hospice eligibility under Medicare and Medicaid involves clinical judgments which may follow in the payments of large sums of money from the federal government, there are grand opportunities for fraudulent practices and false billing claims by unscrupulous hospice care providers. As recent federal hospice fraud compulsion actions have demonstrated, the whole of health care companies and individuals who are willing to try to defraud the Medicare and Medicaid hospice benefits programs is on the rise.

A recent example of hospice fraud spirited a South Carolina hospice is Southern Care, Inc., a hospice business that in 2009 paid .7 million to rule an Fca case. The defendant operated hospices in 14 other states, too, along with Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia and Wisconsin. The alleged frauds were that patients were not eligible for hospice, to wit, were not terminally ill, lack of documentation of terminal illnesses, and that the business marketed to potential patients with the promise of free medications, supplies, and the provision of home health aides. Southern Care also entered into a 5-year Corporate Integrity trade with the Oig as part of the settlement. The qui tam relators received practically million.

Understanding the Consequences of Hospice Fraud and Whistleblower Actions

U.S. And South Carolina consumers, along with hospice patients and their house members, and health care employees who are employed in the hospice industry, as well as their Sc lawyers and attorneys, should tip off themselves with the basics of the hospice care industry, hospice eligibility under the Medicare and Medicaid programs, and hospice fraud schemes that have developed across the country. Consumers need to safe themselves from unethical hospice providers, and hospice employees need to guard against knowingly or unwittingly participating in health care fraud against the federal government because they may subject themselves to executive sanctions, along with lengthy exclusions from working in an assosication which receives federal funds, grand civil monetary penalties and fines, and criminal sanctions, along with incarceration. When a hospice worker discovers fraudulent conduct spirited Medicare or Medicaid billings or claims, the worker should not participate in such behavior, and it is imperative that the unlawful conduct be reported to law compulsion and/or regulatory authorities. Not only does reporting such fraudulent Medicare or Medicaid practices shield the hospice worker from exposure to the foregoing administrative, civil and criminal sanctions, but hospice fraud whistleblowers may advantage financially under the recompense provisions of the federal False Claims Act, 31 U.S.C. §§ 3729-3732, by bringing false claims suits, also known as qui tam or whistleblower suits, against their employers on profit of the United States.

Types of Hospice Care Services

Hospice care is a type of health care aid for patients who are terminally ill. Hospices also furnish maintain services for the families of terminally ill patients. This care includes corporal care and counseling. Hospice care is ordinarily provided by a collective department or inexpressive business popular ,favorite by Medicare and Medicaid. Hospice care is available for all age groups, along with children, adults, and the elderly who are in the final stages of life. The purpose of hospice is to furnish care for the terminally ill outpatient and his or her house and not to cure the terminal illness.

If a outpatient qualifies for hospice care, the outpatient can receive medical and maintain services, along with nursing care, medical collective services, doctor services, counseling, homemaker services, and other types of services. The hospice outpatient will have a team of doctors, nurses, home health aides, collective workers, counselors and trained volunteers to help the outpatient and his or her house members cope with the symptoms and consequences of the terminal illness. While many hospice patients and their families can receive hospice care in the comfort of their home, if the hospice patient's health deteriorates, the outpatient can be transferred to a hospice facility, hospital, or nursing home to receive hospice care.

Hospice Care Statistics

The whole of days that a outpatient receives hospice care is often referenced as the "length of stay" or "length of service." The length of aid is dependent on a whole of distinct factors, along with but not slight to, the type and stage of the disease, the quality of and passage to health care providers before the hospice referral, and the timing of the hospice referral. In 2008, the median length of stay for hospice patients was about 21 days, the median length of stay was about 69 days, practically 35% of hospice patients died or were discharged within 7 days of the hospice referral, and only about 12% of hospice patients survived longer than 180 days.

Most hospice care patients receive hospice care in inexpressive homes (40%). Other locations where hospice services are provided are nursing homes (22%), residential facilities (6%), hospice outpatient facilities (21%), and acute care hospitals (10%). Hospice patients are generally the elderly, and hospice age group percentages are 34 years or less (1%), 35 - 64 years (16%), 65 - 74 years (16%), 75 - 84 years (29%), and over 85 years (38%). As for the terminal illness resulting in a hospice referral, cancer is the prognosis for practically 40% of hospice patients, followed by debility unspecified (15%), heart disease (12%), dementia (11%), lung disease (8%), stroke (4%) and kidney disease (3%). Medicare pays the great majority of hospice care expenses (84%), followed by inexpressive assurance (8%), Medicaid (5%), charity care (1%) and self pay (1%).

As of 2008, there were practically 4,700 locations which were providing hospice care in the United States, which represented about a 50% growth over ten years. There were about 3,700 companies and organizations which were providing hospice services in the United States. About half of the hospice care providers in the United States are for-profit organizations, and about half are non-profit organizations.
General summary of the Medicare and Medicaid Programs

In 1965, Congress established the Medicare program to furnish health assurance for the elderly and disabled. Payments from the Medicare program arise from the Medicare Trust fund, which is funded by government contributions and straight through payroll deductions from American workers. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (Cms), previously known as the health Care Financing supervision (Hcfa), is the federal department within the United States department of health and Human Services (Hhs) that administers the Medicare program and works in partnership with state governments to administer Medicaid.

In 2007, Cms reorganized its ten geography-based field offices to a Consortia structure based on the agency's key lines of business: Medicare health plans, Medicare financial management, Medicare fee for aid operations, Medicaid and children's health, eye & certification and quality improvement. The Cms consortia consist of the following:

• Consortium for Medicare health Plans Operations
• Consortium for Financial supervision and Fee for aid Operations
• Consortium for Medicaid and Children's health Operations
• Consortium for quality revising and eye & Certification Operations

Each consortium is led by a Consortium Administrator (Ca) who serves as the Cms's national focal point in the field for their business line. Each Ca is responsible for consistent implementation of Cms programs, procedure and advice across all ten regions for matters pertaining to their business line. In expanding to accountability for a business line, each Ca also serves as the Agency's senior supervision legal for two or three Regional Offices (Ros), representing the Cms Administrator in external matters and overseeing executive operations.

Much of the daily supervision and performance of the Medicare program is managed straight through inexpressive assurance companies that compact with the Government. These inexpressive assurance companies, sometimes called "Medicare Carriers" or "Fiscal Intermediaries," are charged with and responsible for accepting Medicare claims, determining coverage, and development payments from the Medicare Trust Fund. These carriers, along with Palmetto Government Benefits Administrators (hereinafter "Pgba"), a department of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of South Carolina, control pursuant to 42 U.S.C. §§ 1395h and 1395u and rely on the good faith and careful representations of health care providers when processing claims.

Over the past forty years, the Medicare program has enabled the elderly and disabled to fetch essential medical services from medical providers throughout the United States. essential to the success of the Medicare program is the basic conception that health care providers accurately and easily submit claims and bills to the Medicare Trust Fund only for those medical treatments or services that are legitimate, cheap and medically necessary, in full compliancy with all laws, regulations, rules, and conditions of participation, and, further, that medical providers not take advantage of their elderly and disabled patients.

The Medicaid program is available only to certain low-income individuals and families who must meet eligibility requirements set forth by federal and state law. Each state sets its own guidelines with regard to eligibility and services. Although administered by private states, the Medicaid program is funded primarily by the federal government. Medicaid does not pay money to patients; rather, it sends payments directly to the patient's health care providers. Like Medicare, the Medicaid program depends on health care providers to accurately and easily submit claims and bills to program administrators only for those medical treatments or services that are legitimate, cheap and medically necessary, in full compliancy with all laws, regulations, rules, and conditions of participation, and, further, that medical providers not take advantage of their indigent patients.

Medicare & Medicaid Hospice Laws Which work on Sc Hospices

Hospice fraud occurs when hospice organizations, by and straight through their employees, agents and owners, knowingly violate the terms and conditions of the applicable Medicare and Medicaid hospice statutes, regulations, rules and conditions of participation. In order to be able to identify hospice fraud, hospices, hospice patients, hospice employees and their attorneys and lawyers must know the Medicare laws and requirements relating to hospice care benefits.

Medicare's two main sources of authorization for hospice benefits are found in the collective protection Act and the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations. The statutory provisions are primarily found at 42 U.S.C. §§ 1395d, 1395e, 1395f(a)(7), 1395x(d)(d), and 1395y, and the regulatory provisions are found at 42 C.F.R. Part 418.

To be eligible for Medicare benefits for hospice care, the outpatient must be eligible for Medicare Part A and be terminally ill. 42 C.F.R. § 418.20. terminal illness is established when "the private has a medical prognosis that his or her life expectancy is 6 months or less if the illness runs its normal course." 42 C.F.R. § 418.3; 42 U.S.C. § 1395x(d)(d)(3). The patient's doctor and the medical director of the hospice must guarantee in writing that the outpatient is "terminally ill." 42 U.S.C. § 1395f(a)(7); 42 C.F.R. § 418.20. After a patient's introductory certification, Medicare provides for two ninety-day advantage periods followed by an unlimited whole of sixty-day advantage periods. 42 U.S.C. § 1395d(a)(4). At the end of each ninety- or sixty-day period, the outpatient can be re-certified only if at that time he or she has less than six months to live if the illness runs its normal course. 42 U.S.C. § 1395f(a)(7)(A). The written certification and re-certifications must be maintained in the patient's medical records. 42 C.F.R. § 418.23. A written plan of care must be established for each outpatient setting forth the types of hospice care services the outpatient is scheduled to receive, 42 U.S.C. § 1395f(a)(7)(B), and the hospice care has to be provided in accordance with such plan of care. 42 U.S.C. § 1395f(a)(7)(C); 42 C.F.R. § 418.56. Clinical records for each hospice outpatient must be maintained by the hospice, along with plan of care, assessments, clinical notes, signed notice of election, outpatient responses to medication and therapy, doctor certifications and re-certifications, outcome data, improve directives and doctor orders. 42 C.F.R. § 418.104.

The hospice must fetch a written notice of choosing from the outpatient to elect to receive Medicare hospice benefits. 42 C.F.R. § 418.24. Importantly, once a outpatient has elected to receive hospice care benefits, the outpatient waives Medicare benefits for medical rehabilitation for the terminal disease upon which is the admitting diagnosis. 42 C.F.R. § 418.24(d).

The hospice must prescription an Interdisciplinary Group (Idg) or groups composed of individuals who work together to meet the physical, medical, psychosocial, emotional, and spiritual needs of the hospice patients and families facing terminal illness and bereavement. 42 C.F.R. § 418.56. The Idg members must furnish the care and services offered by the hospice, and the group, in its entirety, must supervise the care and services. A registered nurse that is a member of the Idg must be designated to furnish coordination of care and to ensure continuous appraisal of each patient's and family's needs and implementation of the interdisciplinary plan of care. The interdisciplinary group must include, but is not slight to, the following superior and competent professionals: (i) A doctor of rehabilitation or osteopathy (who is an worker or under compact with the hospice); (ii) A registered nurse; (iii) A collective worker; and, (iv) A pastoral or other counselor. 42 C.F.R. § 418.56.

The Medicare hospice regulations, at 42 C.F.R. § 418.200, summarize the requirements for hospice coverage in pertinent part as follows:

To be covered, hospice services must meet the following requirements. They must be cheap and essential for the palliation and supervision of the terminal illness as well as connected conditions. The private must elect hospice care in accordance with §418.24. A plan of care must be established and periodically reviewed by the attending physician, the medical director, and the interdisciplinary group of the hospice program as set forth in §418.56. That plan of care must be established before hospice care is provided. The services provided must be consistent with the plan of care. A certification that the private is terminally ill must be completed as set forth in section §418.22.

The collective protection Act, at 42 U.S.C. § 1395y(a), limits Medicare hospice benefits, providing in pertinent part as follows: "Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, no payment may be made under part A or part B for any expenses incurred for items or services-... (C) in the case of hospice care, which are not cheap and essential for the palliation or supervision of terminal illness...." 42 C.F.R. § 418.50 (hospice care must be "reasonable and essential for the palliation and supervision of terminal illness"). Palliative care is defined in the regulations as "patient and family-centered care that optimizes quality of life by anticipating, preventing, and treating suffering. Palliative care throughout the continuum of illness involves addressing physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual needs and to facilitate outpatient autonomy, passage to information, and choice." 42 C.F.R. § 418.3.

Medicare pays hospice agencies a daily rate for each day a beneficiary is enrolled in the hospice advantage and receives hospice care. The daily payments are made regardless of the whole of services furnished on a given day and are intended to cover costs that the hospice incurs in furnishing services identified in the patient's plan of care. There are four levels of payments which are made based on the whole of care required to meet beneficiary and house needs. 42 C.F.R. § 418.302; Cms Hospice Fact Sheet, November 2009. These four levels, and the corresponding 2010 daily rates, are as follows: habit home care (2.91); continuous home care (4.10); outpatient respite care (7.83); and, normal outpatient care (5.74).

The aggregate every year cap per outpatient in 2009 was ,014.50. This cap is determined by adjusting the traditional hospice outpatient cap of ,500, set in 1984, by the consumer Price Index. See Cms Internet-Only hand-operated 100-04, episode 11, section 80.2; 42 U.S.C. § 1395f(i); 42 C.F.R. § 418.309. The Medicare Claims Processing Manual, at episode 11 - Processing Hospice Claims, in Section 80.2, entitled "Cap on allembracing Hospice Reimbursement," provides in pertinent part as follows: "Any payments in excess of the cap must be refunded by the hospice."

Hospice patients are responsible for Medicare co-insurance payments for drugs and respite care, and the hospice may fee the outpatient for these co-insurance payments. However, the co-insurance payments for drugs are slight to the lesser of or 5% of the cost of the drugs to the hospice, and the co-insurance payments for respite care are generally 5% of the payment made by Medicare for such services. 42 C.F.R. § 418.400.

The Medicare and Medicaid programs wish institutional health care providers, along with hospice organizations, to file an enrollment application in order to qualify to receive the programs' benefits. As part of these enrollment applications, the hospice providers guarantee that they will comply with Medicare and Medicaid laws, regulations, and program instructions, and added guarantee that they understand that payment of a claim by Medicare and Medicaid is conditioned upon the claim and basic transaction complying with such program laws and requirements. The Medicare Enrollment Application which hospice providers must execute, Form Cms-855A, states in part as follows: "I agree to abide by the Medicare laws, regulations and program instructions that apply to this provider. The Medicare laws, regulations, and program instructions are available straight through the Medicare contractor. I understand that payment of a claim by Medicare is conditioned upon the claim and the basic transaction complying with such laws, regulations, and program instructions (including, but not slight to, the Federal Aks and Stark laws), and on the provider's compliancy with all applicable conditions of participation in Medicare."

Hospices are generally required to bill Medicare on a monthly basis. See the Medicare Claims Processing Manual, at episode 11 - Processing Hospice Claims, in Section 90 - Frequency of Billing. Hospices generally file their hospice Medicare claims with their Fiscal Intermediary or Medicare Carrier pursuant to the Cms Claims hand-operated Form Cms 1450 (sometime also called a Form Ub-04 or Form Ub-92), either in paper or electronic form. These claim forms consist of representations and certifications which state in pertinent part that: (1) misrepresentations or falsifications of essential data may serve as the basis for civil monetary penalties and criminal convictions; (2) submission of the claim constitutes certification that the billing data is true, exact and complete; (3) the submitter did not knowingly or recklessly disregard or misrepresent or conceal material facts; (4) all required doctor certifications and re-certifications are on file; (5) all required outpatient signatures are on file; and, (6) for Medicaid purposes, the submitter understands that because payment and pleasure of this claim will be from Federal and State funds, any false statements, documents, or concealment of a material fact are subject to prosecution under applicable Federal or State Laws.

Hospices must also file with Cms an every year cost and data article of Medicare payments received. 42 U.S.C. § 1395f(i)(3); 42 U.S.C. § 1395x(d)(d)(4). The every year hospice cost and data reports, Form Cms 1984-99, consist of representations and certifications which state in pertinent part that: (1) misrepresentations or falsifications of data contained in the cost article may be punishable by criminal, civil and executive actions, along with fines and/or imprisonment; (2) if any services identified in the article were the stock of a direct or indirect kickback or were otherwise illegal, then criminal, civil and executive actions may result, along with fines and/or imprisonment; (3) the article is a true, exact and perfect statement prepared from the books and records of the provider in accordance with applicable instructions, except as noted; and, (4) the signing officer is well-known with the laws and regulations with regard to the provision of health care services and that the services identified in this cost article were provided in compliancy with such laws and regulations.

Hospice Anti-Fraud compulsion Statutes

There are a whole of federal criminal, civil and executive compulsion provisions set forth in the Medicare statutes which are aimed at preventing fraudulent conduct, along with hospice fraud, and which help enounce program integrity and compliance. Some of the more prominent compulsion provisions of the Medicare statutes consist of the following: 42 U.S.C. § 1320a-7b (Criminal fraud and anti-kickback penalties); 42 U.S.C. § 1320a-7a and 42 U.S.C. § 1320a-8 (Civil monetary penalties for fraud); 42 U.S.C. § 1320a-7 (Administrative exclusions from participation in Medicare/Medicaid programs for fraud); 42 U.S.C. § 1320a-4 (Administrative subpoena power for the Comptroller General).

Other criminal compulsion provisions which are used to combat Medicare and Medicaid fraud, along with hospice fraud, consist of the following: 18 U.S.C. § 1347 (General health care fraud criminal statute); 21 U.S.C. §§ 353, 333 (Prescription Drug Marketing Act); 18 U.S.C. § 669 (Theft or Embezzlement in relationship with health Care); 18 U.S.C. § 1035 (False statements relating to health Care); 18 U.S.C. § 2 (Aiding and Abetting); 18 U.S.C. § 3 (Accessory after the Fact); 18 U.S.C. § 4 (Misprision of a Felony); 18 U.S.C. § 286 (Conspiracy to defraud the Government with respect to Claims); 18 U.S.C. § 287 (False, Fictitious or Fraudulent Claims); 18 U.S.C. § 371 (Criminal Conspiracy); 18 U.S.C. § 1001 (False Statements); 18 U.S.C. § 1341 (Mail Fraud); 18 U.S.C. § 1343 (Wire Fraud); 18 U.S.C. § 1956 (Money Laundering); 18 U.S.C. § 1957 (Money Laundering); and, 18 U.S.C. § 1964 (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations ("Rico")).

The False Claims Act (Fca)

Hospice fraud whistleblowers may advantage financially under the recompense provisions of the federal False Claims Act, 31 U.S.C. §§ 3729-3732, by bringing false claims suits, also known as qui tam or whistleblower suits, against their employers on profit of the United States. The plaintiff in a hospice fraud whistleblower suit is also known as a relator. The most tasteless Fca provisions upon which hospice fraud qui tam or whistleblower relators rely are found in 31 U.S.C. § 3729: (A) knowingly presents, or causes to be presented, a false or fraudulent claim for payment or approval; (B) knowingly makes, uses, or causes to be made or used, a false article or statement material to a false or fraudulent claim; (C) conspires to commit a violation of subparagraph (A), (B), (D), (E), (F), or (G);..., and, (G) knowingly makes, uses, or causes to be made or used, a false article or statement material to an compulsion to pay or forward money or asset to the Government, or knowingly conceals or knowingly and improperly avoids or decreases an compulsion to pay or forward money or asset to the Government.... There is no requirement to prove specific intent to defraud. Rather, it is only essential to prove actual knowledge of the false claims, false statements, or false records, or the defendant's deliberate indifference or reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of the information. 31 U.S.C. § 3729(b).

The Fca anti-retaliation provision protects the hospice whistleblower from retaliation from the hospice when the worker (or a contractor) "is discharged, demoted, suspended, threatened, harassed, or in any other manner discriminated against in the terms and conditions of employment" for taking operation to try to stop the fraudulent activity. 31 U.S.C. § 3730(h). A hospice employee's relief includes reinstatement, 2 times the whole of back pay, interest on the back pay, and recompense for any special damages sustained as a follow of the discrimination or retaliation, along with litigation costs and cheap attorneys' fees.

A Sc hospice fraud Fca whistleblower would initially file a disclosure statement, complaint and supporting documents with the U.S. Attorney's Office in Columbia, South Carolina, and the Us Attorney General. After the disclosures are filed, a federal court complaint can be filed. The Sc department where the frauds occurred, the relator's residence, and the defendant residence, will rule which department the case will be assigned. There are eleven federal court divisions in South Carolina. Once the case has been filed, the government has 60 days to rule either or not to intervene. While this time, federal government investigators placed in South Carolina will investigate the claims. If the case complex Medicaid, Sc Medicaid fraud unit investigators will likely become complex as well. If the government intervenes in the case, the U.S. Attorney for South Carolina is ordinarily the lead attorney. If the government does not intervene, the relator's Sc attorney will prosecute the case. In South Carolina, expect a qui tam case to take one to two years to get to trial.

Tips on Recognizing Hospice Fraud Schemes

The Hhs Office of Inspector normal (Oig) has issued special Fraud Alerts for fraudulent and abusive practices of hospices. U.S. And South Carolina hospices, patients, hospice employees and whistleblowers, their attorneys and lawyers, should be well-known with these hospice fraud practices. Tips on recognizing hospice frauds in South Carolina and the U.S. Are:

• A hospice gift free goods or goods at below store value to induce a nursing home to refer patients to the hospice.
• False representations in a hospice's Medicare/Medicaid enrollment form.
• A hospice paying "room and board" payments to the nursing home in amounts in excess of what the nursing home would have received directly from Medicaid had the outpatient not been enrolled in the hospice.
• False statements in a hospice's claim form (Cms Forms 1450, Ub-04 or Ub-92).
• A hospice falsely billing for services that were not cheap or essential for the palliation of the symptoms of a terminally ill patient.
• A hospice paying amounts to the nursing home for "additional" services that Medicaid determined included in its room and board payment to the hospice.
• A hospice paying above fair store value for "additional" non-core services which Medicaid does not consider to be included in its room and board payments to the nursing home.
• A hospice referring patients to a nursing home to induce the nursing home to refer its patients to the hospice.
•A hospice providing free (or below fair store value) care to nursing home patients, for whom the nursing home is receiving Medicare payment under the skilled nursing facility benefit, with the anticipation that after the outpatient exhausts the skilled nursing facility benefit, the outpatient will receive hospice services from that hospice.
• A hospice providing staff at its expense to the nursing home to accomplish duties that otherwise would be performed by the nursing home.
• Incomplete or no written Plan of Care was established or reviewed at specific intervals.
• Plan of Care did not consist of an appraisal of needs.
• Fraudulent statements in a hospice's cost article to the government.
• notice of choosing was not obtained or was fraudulently obtained.
• Rn supervisory visits were not made for home health aide services.
• Certification or Re-certification of terminal illness was not obtained or was fraudulently obtained.
• No Plan of care was included for bereavement services.
• Fraudulent billing for upcoded levels of hospice care.
• Hospice did not conduct a self-assessment of quality and care provided.
• Clinical records were not maintained for every patient.
• Interdisciplinary group did not describe and modernize the plan of care for each patient.

Recent Hospice Fraud compulsion Cases

The Doj and U.S. Attorney's Offices have been active in enforcing hospice fraud cases.

In 2009, Kaiser Foundation Hospitals placed an Fca lawsuit by paying .8 million to the federal government. The defendant assertedly failed to fetch written certifications of terminal illness for a whole of its patients.

In 2006, Odyssey Healthcare, a national hospice provider, paid .9 million to rule a qui tam suit for false claims under the Fca. The hospice fraud allegations were generally that Odyssey billed Medicare for providing hospice care to patients when they were not terminally ill and ineligible for Medicare hospice benefits. A Corporate Integrity trade was also a part of the settlement. The hospice fraud qui tam relator received .3 million for blowing the whistle on the defendant.

In 2005, Faith Hospice, Inc., placed claims an Fca claim for 0,000. The hospice fraud allegations were generally that Faith Hospice billed Medicare for providing hospice care to patients more than half of whom were not terminally ill.

In 2005, Home Hospice of North Texas placed an Fca claim for 0,000 with regard to allegations of fraudulently billing Medicare for ineligible hospice patients.

In 2000, Michigan osteopath Donald Dreyfuss, who pleaded guilty to criminal fraud charges, along with violation of the Aks for receiving illegal kickbacks from a hospice for recommending the hospice to the staff of his nursing home, placed an Fca suit for million.


Hospice fraud is a growing question in South Carolina and throughout the United States. South Carolina hospice patients, hospice employees, and their Sc lawyers and attorneys, should be well-known with the basics of the hospice care industry, hospice eligibility under the Medicare and Medicaid programs, and typical hospice fraud schemes. Hospice organizations should take steps to ensure full compliancy with Medicare/Medicaid hospice billing requirements to avoid hospice fraud allegations and Fca litigation.

© 2010 Joseph P. Griffith, Jr.

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survey Card account center

First Convenience Bank - survey Card account center

Hi friends. Now, I found out about First Convenience Bank - survey Card account center. Which may be very helpful to me therefore you. survey Card account center

Discover card is the primary goods and a major reputation card of explore Financial Services. It has a large buyer base nationwide and has cardholders in excess of 50 million and more than 4 million merchant locations together with cash entrance locations. Through explore card account town you can entrance your account via the Internet 24 x 7 and carry on your finances.
The Internet offers you a accumulate online entrance to the account centre for checking your account, among other transactions. You can make online bill payments, get your account summary, get statements for the last 1 year, request for equilibrium transfer, have your address, telephone numbers, and email address changed, add an authorized user, and many more other transactions. 
You need to register yourself for accessing the account center. It is easy. All you need to do is entrance their website and succeed the instructions for getting yourself registered.
Discover Card - Its History
Discover card was first issued in 1985 by Sears Through its brokerage arm, the Dean Witter Reynolds Organization, and was named the Sears Financial Network. It swiftly gained popularity and tried to rival the then giants - MasterCard and Visa. explore card charged no each year fee. This was against the coarse rule of the time as all reputation card fellowships charged each year fee. It also offered higher reputation limit than its competitors.
Discover also offerd to its cardholders a CashBack Bonus as much as 5% on office supplies, 2% on gas and 1% on other purchases. The U.S. Customs service thorough payment of customs duty Through explore cards. It was a grand achievement as it was the only card so thorough by the Customs Service.
Discover card, however, is not thorough extensively surface the United States though its cardholders can entrance Atms worldwide. In early 2008, explore Financial Services acquired Diners Club network from Citigroup for 5 million. The two networks - explore and Diners - combined to form an International network of explore and Diner Club cards. Diners Club card, though, will still be issued by the licensees of Diners Club International, which includes the Citibank. explore Bank has not purchased the Diners Cards issuing licensees but only the Diners Club network.
The explore card account town carries the highest thorough for encryption for Internet security. This is the accumulate Sockets Layer (Ssl)encryption and it is roughly impossible for anyone to entrance your account information. There are times when the account town is not accessible to its cardholders online. This is when scheduled maintenance is performed every Sunday; from 1 a.m. To 6 a.m. Eastern Time.
There is an account town for explore merchants also. Known as the explore Merchants Accounts Center, it allows its merchants to entrance their accounts directly Through online means. The benefit of this singular account town is that the merchants now have a 24 x 7 entrance to their account status and do not have to wait for their monthly statements to arrive Through mail.
Through the account town explore has provided convenience to their cardholders.

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First Convenience Bank

I hope you obtain new knowledge about First Convenience Bank. Where you'll be able to put to easy use in your daily life. And most of all, your reaction is passed about First Convenience Bank.

Gemini Horoscope in 2012

Horoscope - Gemini Horoscope in 2012

Good morning. Today, I learned about Horoscope - Gemini Horoscope in 2012. Which could be very helpful for me and you. Gemini Horoscope in 2012

Gemini 2012 career and Work Horoscope

What I said. It just isn't in conclusion that the actual about Horoscope. You read this article for information on what you want to know is Horoscope.


The first six months of the y ear might be a bit of a challenge financially but because Jupiter is in your sign you will being doing a lot better then you were at this time in 2011! By June 2012 most Geminis will be back on the path to profits and prosperity.

Money still may not come easy because of the economic recession and the first six months of the year will be your toughest time financially. Any way as early as March many Geminis will be feeling like they are ultimately getting the prestige and financial rewards that they deserve.

Many Geminis will also be returning to school to learn new skills or introduce themselves to working in an entirely different field. You are a sign that love to read and learn so enjoy this chance to learn new things and enhance your lot in life.

Gemini 2012 Love, family and social life Horoscope

Your urge to be more independent and creative may cause clashes with others. You are more precisely misunderstood while the first six months of the year. As you are feeling the desire to charge out on your own you may have to resist an urge to be paranoid or suspicious of others.

Many Geminis are complex with addicts or habitancy with reasoning condition issues. These individuals have broken down from stress but do not let them drag you down into a depression with them. It is leading for you to cultivate your own interests rather than to rush to saving a troubled individual that you love all of the time.

The first six months may feel like you all the time have to prove your credibility even to those who say they believe in your ideas. In the last six months of the year love planet Venus brings blessings along with a possible proposal from a true love or the birth of a child...

Gemini 2012 Finance and Money Horoscope

Developing your talents and looking a job that truly suits your abilities is your key to production a lot of money in 2012. The first six months of the year indicate a heavy agenda with low pay but it will all be worth it when you are ultimately rewarded with money or the exquisite job. Many Geminis will be embarking on a brand new consuming career by the Fall of 2012.

You may be working so hard with so limited that it may be hard to keep the faith but by June all of your hard work will pay off handsomely for you.

Gemini 2012 condition Horoscope

Geminis will enjoy exquisite condition in 2012 as long as they avoid becoming work-aholics. They should also avoid situations that upset their delicate digestive and nervous systems along with conflicts with difficult loved ones who are troubled or addicted.

You may feel a bit depressed while the Spring and Fall when it will be more difficult for you to cope some of the difficult personalities around you. If you are overwhelmed by other person's issues it is crucial to your condition to take a break from his or her problems and focus on how you will stay emotionally and physically well throughout 2012.

I hope you obtain new knowledge about Horoscope. Where you possibly can put to use in your daily life. And most significantly, your reaction is passed about Horoscope.

6 Key Elements of a covenant

Attorney General Texas - 6 Key Elements of a covenant

Hello everybody. Now, I found out about Attorney General Texas - 6 Key Elements of a covenant. Which is very helpful if you ask me and also you. 6 Key Elements of a covenant

1. Offer. An offer can be oral or written as long as it is not required to be written by law. It is the exact expression or an overt performance which begins the contract. It is simply what is offered to an additional one for the return of that person's promise to act. It cannot be ambiguous or unclear. It must be spelled out in terms that are exact and certain, such as the identity and nature of the object which is being offered and under what conditions and/ or terms it is offered.

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Attorney General Texas

2. Acceptance. As a general proposition of law, the acceptance of the offer made by one party by the other party is what creates the contract. This acceptance, as a general rule, cannot be withdrawn, nor can it vary the terms of the offer, or alter it, or modify it. To do so makes the acceptance a counter-offer. Though this proposition may vary from state to state, the general rule is that there are no conditional acceptances by law. In fact, by making a conditional acceptance, the offeree is rejecting the offer. However the offerer, at his choosing, by act or word which shows acceptance of the counter-offer, can be bound by the conditions tendered by the offeree.

3. Consideration. Consideration for a covenant may be money or may be an additional one right, interest, or benefit, or it may be a detriment, loss or responsibility given up to man else. Consideration is an literally important element of a contract. As a word of caution, it should be noted that Consideration has to be expressly agreed upon by both parties to the covenant or it must be expressly implied by the terms of the contract. A potential or accidental benefit or detriment alone would not be construed as valid consideration. The Consideration must be explicit and adequate to maintain the promise to do or not to do, whatever is applicable. However, it need not be of any single monetary value. Mutual promises are adequate and valid Consideration as to each party as long as they are binding. This rule applies to conditional promises as well. As supplementary clarification, the general rule is that a promise to act which you are already legally bound to do is not a adequate Consideration for a contract. The courts settle the application.

4. Capacity of the Parties to Contract. The general presumption of the law is that all habitancy have a capacity to contract. A man who is trying to avoid a covenant would have to plead his or her lack of capacity to covenant against the party who is trying to enforce the contract. For example, he would have to prove that he was a minor, adjudged incompetent or drunk or drugged, and so forth. Often this is the most difficult burdens of proof to overcome due to the presumption of one's ability to contract.

5. Intent of the Parties to Contract. It is a basic requirement to the formation of any contract, be it oral or written, that there has to be a mutual assent or a "meeting of the minds" of the parties on all proposed terms and important elements of the contract. It has been held by the courts that there can be no covenant unless all the parties complex intended to enter into one. This intent is considered by the outward actions or actual words of the parties and not just their hidden intentions or desires. Therefore, mere negotiations to arrive at a mutual trade or assent to a covenant would not be considered an offer and acceptance even concept the parties agree on some of the terms which are being negotiated. Both parties must have intended to enter into the covenant and one can not have been misled by the other. That is why fraud or clear mistakes can make a covenant voidable.

6. Object of the Contract. A covenant is not enforceable if its object is considered to be illegal or against collective policy. In many jurisdictions contracts predicated upon lotteries, dog races, horse races, or other forms of gambling would be considered illegal contracts. Yet in some states these types of contracts are valid. Federal and some state laws make contracts in restraint of trade, price-fixing and monopolies illegal. Therefore, a covenant which violates those statutes would be illegal and unenforceable. This is true for drugs and prostitution or any other performance if considered criminal.

I hope you will get new knowledge about Attorney General Texas. Where you'll be able to put to used in your daily life. And above all, your reaction is passed about Attorney General Texas.

Sagittarius 2012 Horoscope

Horoscope - Sagittarius 2012 Horoscope

Hi friends. Yesterday, I learned about Horoscope - Sagittarius 2012 Horoscope. Which may be very helpful if you ask me and also you. Sagittarius 2012 Horoscope

Extremely inescapable and with an exuberant take on life, the Sagittarians (born in the middle of November 22nd to December 21st) possess a polite and honorable nature which is commonly contagious.

What I said. It just isn't the conclusion that the actual about Horoscope. You check this out article for info on that wish to know is Horoscope.


These habitancy are known for their trustworthiness and their honesty. These are the ones who will keep up to their words even in the worst circumstances.

This sign is represented by a centaur, a half man a half horse, commonly seen in Greek mythology.

General Horoscope

The year 2012 will be intelligent for the Sagittarians and energy and passion will be felt throughout the year. This year will witness several intelligent new ventures and beginnings. New job opportunities, location change opportunities and scope will be seen in abundance.

This is a chance when you can in effect cash your reputation which you have earned over the past years.

By the end of the introductory months you can resume back to your popular activities that are, leisure, pleasure and fun. Though good things will unfold gradually and gradually, the year will be a pleasant one.

Work and Business

You should combine on the then current projects in the year 2012. It is the right time to present your talent and abilities in front of every person and get rewarded. You must not showcase your hard life or do anyone to gain sympathy, for promotion.

You may face some obstacles, since this year your actions will be as swift as your thinking. You should properly and evenly divide your work, or else the whole year you will be over burdened with work and other year will pass by without any fun.

Starting from the middle of this year, the projects you take up will prove to be profitable.

Finance Horoscope

Since Sagittarians are blessed with a strong and dependable personality, they are extremely respected and admired at their workplace. Finance seems to fly high in the first quarter of the year 2012.

You will contact financial gains more than your expectations. If we compare the financial issues of the year 2012 with those of 2011, finances will be far easier in 2012.

Though the year 2012 seems promising financially, you should not leave the path of hard work and patience.

Love Horoscope 2012

With the beginning of the year 2012, the tone of the relationships will change. If you are in a connection or you are single, whether ways there will be new love opportunities and excitements if you are ready to change and compromise. You will seem intelligent and intelligent and it'll come to be easier for you to convince your love or partner.

You will be even more intelligent about your partner since you are inquisitive of nature. You may face some small emotional turbulence also.

Health and Energy

There won't be any major health problems. You will be fit and fine throughout the year 2012. Seasonal skin problems may be faced, but they will be tackled easily.

You will have to put in a lot of drive in this year. There will be times when the stress level would increase, but the relaxation time will equilibrium it.

You will feel a inescapable increase in the thinking energy towards the end of the year.

I hope you obtain new knowledge about Horoscope. Where you'll be able to put to use within your day-to-day life. And most importantly, your reaction is passed about Horoscope.

Pros & Cons of E-Commerce

First Convenience Bank - Pros & Cons of E-Commerce

Hello everybody. Today, I learned all about First Convenience Bank - Pros & Cons of E-Commerce. Which could be very helpful to me and also you. Pros & Cons of E-Commerce

Riding the facts highway is a bit like riding a bike or driving a car. You can get somewhere quicker and easier than you could if you just walked, but there are risks that come with the related speed and convenience that you need to take into account.

What I said. It is not the conclusion that the actual about First Convenience Bank. You see this article for home elevators that wish to know is First Convenience Bank.

First Convenience Bank

Some of the Pros...

eCommerce is fast! If you are related to a broadband cable network then there are few things faster in this world than the passage that you can get to a world of facts and industry. A click of a button and a few flashes of light across your screen and your there! correlate that to the hours of commuting, parking, walking, browsing, negotiating, signing, paying and returning home that quarterly business entails and there is just no comparison.

I hardly shop at quarterly shop anymore because the convenience of shopping at home Far outweighs the hassle of going store to store at the mall or supermarket for most things and I don't mind waiting for delivery. If I am organised then except for the few things that a I need Right Now (or in the next 10min - 2hr, depending on the commuting, parking etc etc involved in manufacture an emergency trip to a store) I can get something online in a few minutes and have it delivered next day in 95% of cases.

eCommerce is safe! The fears that many population continue to harbour in regards to the safety of their facts are unfounded in the majority of cases.

Yes, if you want to buy something from a site promising something for nothing and the language of the contract or sales letter is written in less than excellent english or is rife with spelling mistakes or vague details then you are asking for issue - and you can't blame problems that come from this sort of performance on eCommerce just as you wouldn't blame the sell business for problems that you encounter if you buy something from man at bar!

If you are running firewall software and you have a clean principles and shop on reputable sites then salvage for the most unfortunate of cases you and your facts is just as safe as if you had bought something from a bricks and mortar store.

eCommerce is cheap! coarse sense says that man who is operating a website with hundreds and thousands of customers across the world will be able to sell for less than man who has less customers and higher rental and utiltiy expenses from operating a bodily premises. Take eBay for example - there are millions of sellers selling millions of products that they sell from the ease of their homes or small company premises and they sell for about 50% of the price of the big branch shop with their huge buying power simply because their overheads are next to !

Sure, you will pay the same for an Ipod shopping from Apple's website as you would from Apple's Stores, but they are not exactly about to undercut themselves when they are manufacture heaps of money as it is. There is plenty of competition in cyberspace to keep price at ground level.

eCommerce is global! Where else do you get retailers in Australia competitive with small businesses in America and individuals in Japan all in the same business and over the same products and services. And how else could the mean man expect to be able to get passage to goods and services from in any place other than their immediate locality if not for eCommerce! It is the wonder of the modern age and a blessing for businesses and consumers the world over.

Some of the cons...

eCommerce is permanently changing! As I mentioned above there are many traps for population who don't take the time to negotiate the fraudsters that are prevalent in cyberspace. The old saying that 'a sucker is born every minute' has particular meaning in eCommerce because all of the old suckers who had been sucked into every trap and scap in the real world were immediately exposed to the same scams again online when they ventured online for the first time.

As with anything new there is a need for population to get themselves educated and sadly schooling is one of the biggest small parts of people's lives (though hopefully some of these articles with help with that in some cases). Don't think that just because something exists then it is safe. Learn about the internet and stay with the proven safe roads before going for the road less travelled by and that will make all the difference.

eCommerce is competitive! As with anything where there is the possible for profit and the necessity of competition there is a lot of sharp institution online just as there is in the real world. Advertising, with the same subliminal and blatant enticements is just as prevalent online as it is in the real world and population are getting sucked into spending more than they can afford because passage to payment by prestige card and buy-now-pay-later schemes are everywhere.

eCommerce should be seen as a blessing to be able to take some of the hassle out of real world company and spoton planning and budgeting should be invested in shopping and doing company online just as it has to be done in the real world to avoid defeat.

Personally I don't think that there are many cons in the world of eCommerce - only the same cons that exist in any company or commercial environment - buyer beware - look before you leap - there are a lot of principles that apply in real life that need to be taken online but are left at the login page for some reason. Ecommerce is not a computer game where you can just restart if you didn't like the score that you got. Take is seriously and you will only reap the benefits!

I hope you obtain new knowledge about First Convenience Bank. Where you'll be able to offer use within your daily life. And most importantly, your reaction is passed about First Convenience Bank.

Free Living Will and Free Living Will Forms Online

Attorney General Child Support Interactive - Free Living Will and Free Living Will Forms Online

Hello everybody. Yesterday, I learned about Attorney General Child Support Interactive - Free Living Will and Free Living Will Forms Online. Which may be very helpful if you ask me and also you. Free Living Will and Free Living Will Forms Online

Looking for a free living will? If you are making ready your finances and other personal matters for your resignation and want to make sure that your house members are taken care of in the event of your death, you will need one. There are some useful sites online where you can download a free living will form to use for your needs. You can chose generic forms based on your state, as each state has different laws with regard to living wills.

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Attorney General Child Support Interactive

Many of the free living will sites online will suggest that you use their free will forms as something to cover general purposes, but not to act as a substitute for seeking the suggest of an actual estate attorney or lawyer. If you have a lot of involved estate needs, you might reconsider hiring an estate planner or lawyer to write up your will.

Another thing to reconsider as you write your free living will is to make sure that you assign a power of attorney and executor of your will. If you have an urgency and are incapable of making condition decisions (advance directives), you will need a condition care counselor to carry out your requests in the event that you are in a coma or on life preserve machines. Something is better than nothing, so if you are unable to afford an attorney at this time, at least get started with your temporary free forms so that you have something legal in place for your future.

Did you know that if you cannot afford a lawyer to draw up distinct estate papers, that you can find a free living will form online that you can print right at home? If you have a basic need for a living trust and you want to print a free living will form to have on hand in case of your illness or death, it is a good idea when you are making ready for your retirement. Using an online free living trust form should not replace seeking expert advice from a lawyer, but if you can't afford a lawyer, it is the next best thing.

Once you print your free living will form and fill in your crucial information, you might be wise to have it signed and stamped by a notary collective in your area. This notary signature will act as proof of your document's existence and that the signatures on it are valid. You can also find a lot of other free estate planning forms online that you can use when planning your retirement.

In increasing to a free living will form, look for durable power of attorney, advance directives (health care advisories) and any other extra forms with regard to the executor of your estate. gather all of your important documents like car pink slips, mortgage loan documents, and anyone else that can be useful in the event of your death or incapacity, and make sure that a house member or child, or a lawyer, knows of their location and existence. Planning ahead now will save your children from a headache later.

For more facts on resignation planning and senior care visit us at:

I hope you will get new knowledge about Attorney General Child Support Interactive. Where you possibly can put to used in your everyday life. And just remember, your reaction is passed about Attorney General Child Support Interactive.

Virgo Horoscope in 2012

Horoscope - Virgo Horoscope in 2012

Good afternoon. Today, I discovered Horoscope - Virgo Horoscope in 2012. Which may be very helpful for me and also you. Virgo Horoscope in 2012

Virgo occupation and Work Horoscope in 2012

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In 2012 Virgos may sense more stress at work than usual. Many will have new bosses or be addressing changes to their routine that they find very stressful. Many Virgos will be working late just to make extra money. The hardest part of 2012 will be the first three months of the year when it will seem difficult to get a break financially.

For Virgos to get through 2012 they are going to have to be less controlling and open to learning about new technology or working with a new team of people. Freelance Virgos may find that they need to rethink their enterprise plan in order to make profits. It is leading for the Virgo to remain safe bet and realize that these tough times will pass for them.

To avoid becoming obsolete and also become more enthralling to current and inherent employers some Virgins might want to consider returning to school to modernize their skills.

Virgo Love, house and communal life Horoscope in 2012

Many Virgos have been experiencing relationship difficulties the past few years. Many are going through divorces and others are just realizing the need for a relationship to have a perfect rehaul or to start new.

To keep a current relationship going Virgos may have to go to great lengths to swallow their pride and be a bit more humble. Communication is key however ignoring those who offend them is the number 1 Virgo defense tactic when it comes to a personal conflict. If you want to keep your relationship then start talking to the man you have been going to great lengths to avoid lately.

Most conflicts in your life are about money and in some cases you may have to forgive a debt or loan or drop a legal case if you still want a man in your life.

If you are single and want to meet others it is crucial that you do not let past resentments influence your relationships with new people. This is also true if you are trying to start afresh with a new partner as well.

Virgo Finance and Money Horoscope in 2012

During the first six months of 2012 trying to save money will be difficult. This is because some Virgos will be suffering from a shortfall in earnings. An extra charge such as a tax bill or fine may also have to be paid.

Your money situation improves by the Fall but by December you may find yourself in debt again if you are not very right to reign in your spending.

Virgo health Horoscope in 2012

The Virgo should enjoy great health in 2012 however they are prone to stress-related problems like depression and irritability just because both their personal and expert lives are so stressful. It is leading for Virgins to get abundance of sleep and also get abundance of exercise. A regular agenda of meditation can nervous or overworked Virgos feel calm and relaxed. Taking long walks or spending time with a pet can also help soothe the Virgo's frayed nerves.

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Check Cashing Policies

First Convenience Bank - Check Cashing Policies

Good evening. Now, I found out about First Convenience Bank - Check Cashing Policies. Which is very helpful in my experience so you. Check Cashing Policies

Customer assistance is the most prominent conception in financial services. Check cashing is an prominent assistance that is done whether at banks or independent check cashing businesses. Before this law was introduced in the 1930s, population were willing to take the risks of carrying money around everywhere. Looking this as an opportunity, financial institutions introduced check cashing services to the customers.

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First Convenience Bank

In every the industry, irrespective of the stock or assistance offered, customers' needs are the most important. The customers' needs sway the businesses' strategies as well as their operating policies.

The government's procedure to promote check cashing services have proven to be very beneficial for the industry. Part of the reason that the industry grew was due to the duct of the Bank Deregulation Act of 1980, which removed deposit rate ceilings and led to explicit pricing for bank deposit services. After this law passed, consumers demanded increased convenience and lower costs in fulfilling their financial services needs. Because of these demand, community-based suitable check cashing centers were set up and became increasingly utilized. The main procedure behind the emergence of these centers goes back again to the theme of suitable service.

The state government also intervenes with effective governing policies that avow the current system. Most states regulate check cashing services using the same regulations that oversee banks and prestige unions. States regulators also set the rates for the amount of fees that can be expensed for unavoidable services.

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Can You Not acquire Or Can You Waive Patient's Copay? All About Copays and Copayments

First Convenience Bank - Can You Not acquire Or Can You Waive Patient's Copay? All About Copays and Copayments

Good morning. Now, I discovered First Convenience Bank - Can You Not acquire Or Can You Waive Patient's Copay? All About Copays and Copayments. Which is very helpful to me therefore you. Can You Not acquire Or Can You Waive Patient's Copay? All About Copays and Copayments

There are so many reasons why you should not waive copays or copayments. If you are contracted with the guarnatee company, you are bound to succeed what is in your covenant with them. A patient's copay is due at the time of service! You must derive your patient's copay!

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Let me tell you why you should not waive copays!

Your covenant says you derive copay at the time of service!; Your inpatient knows they have to pay their copay based on what their course says (it's positively false that they do not know they have a copay!); Your are positively losing money in your custom if you do so!

What is a copayment? It's a part responsibility of the patient's based on their course and coverage. Mostly, their copays are applied towards their yearly out of pocket number for family, single or individual.  And it is all the time due at the time of assistance (the time they came in to your office). Copay for original Care physician and for specialist Office may differ too!

So why do you think you should not waive a copay? -- let's take a look at this way:

Assuming the guarnatee payor allows .00 for an appraisal and supervision - E/M Code and you waive a copay of .00, you only get reimbursed at .00 because the .00 was applied towards the patient's copay.

So why waive the copay when it is an actual added earnings to your daily cash flow, is it not?

Here are some scenarios of qoute collecting copays and what you should do to deal with these:

The inpatient has a Secondary guarnatee and would like you to submit his/her claim to the secondary guarnatee after the original guarnatee pays for the claim -- what you should do; justify to the inpatient that their copay is due at the time of assistance regardless if they have a secondary insurance! Most of my patients would even send claims to their secondary to pick up for their copays. The key here, educate them! The inpatient all the time "forgets his/her checkbook" --- give the inpatient one chance! Again, justify to them their copay is all the time due at the time of service. Hand them a self-addressed envelope and let them mail a check as soon as they get home. Or know your area, I'm sure there is a bank or an Atm motor nearby, you can let the inpatient go the nearest  Atm and withdraw money. Or for their convenience too, if they have prestige cards --- your custom should be able to accept major prestige cards.

 Helpful ideas too, post in your waiting room and at the window that says "Your Copay is Due at the Time of Service",  "You Must Pay Your Copay Before You Can Be Seen".

And here is your last course, it is alright too to refuse to see the inpatient if they do not pay their copay. Maybe on the 3rd visit, if obviously the inpatient have been deliberately "forgetting" his/her check - apprise them when you make the confirmation before their appointment that they can not be seen if they do not pay their copay balance.

I don't think you can buy any material thing that you use them first before you pay for it. Realistically,  why render the assistance before the inpatient pays their copay? A private physician custom is not running a charity agenda or else you will go out of business. Just my one cent  idea.

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Personal Banking

First Convenience Bank - Personal Banking

Good morning. Today, I discovered First Convenience Bank - Personal Banking. Which is very helpful in my experience and also you. Personal Banking

Personal banking is similar to sell banking. The essence is that the products and services of the bank are tailored to meet personel banking and ancillary needs, together with everything from a checking account to speculation advice. The dissimilar products ready straight through personal banking contain checking accounts, savings accounts, Cds, check cards with rewards, dissimilar types of loans, and personal lines of credit, credit cards, personal trust and incommunicable banking services, mortgage programs, speculation management, reduction brokerage, insurance services and advisory services. Insurance, speculation advice, and wealth administration are high end products offered in personal banking.

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First Convenience Bank

The most foremost highlight in personal banking today is technology- enabled, customized products and services like in any place banking, Atms, and the delivery of services straight through channels like a telephone and the Internet. The idea is that the buyer need not come to the field for their services and that everything should be delivered to the buyer at his convenience. The bank will supply particular window service, meaning that customers can visit one counter for any banking need.

Personal banking is swiftly catching up in almost all the countries in the world and is thinkable, to lead significantly to the bank's total revenue. almost 15-20% of the customers lead up to 90% of the banks business, so proper service to these customers will deepen the financial relationships.

Everyone with a personal bank account needs to be very cautious and pay close attention to all aspects of their account. Citizen should right away characterize their bank statement, avoid having to pay unnecessary fees and bank charges, avoid leaving discarded bank documents behind, avoid banking online in public places, and periodically change their password.

I hope you get new knowledge about First Convenience Bank. Where you'll be able to put to utilization in your everyday life. And just remember, your reaction is passed about First Convenience Bank.

The List of community property States

Attorney General Texas - The List of community property States

Good morning. Now, I learned about Attorney General Texas - The List of community property States. Which is very helpful to me so you. The List of community property States

There are two distinct laws that resolve asset possession in the event of death or divorce. They are known as community asset and coarse law. coarse law is also known as detach property. The list of community asset states only consists of nine states. 

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Attorney General Texas

The majority of these states are out west. Community asset means that whatever acquired while the marriage belongs equally to the husband and wife. If the husband and wife get a divorce, they will be required to split their assets they earned while they were together right down the middle.

The states that result the community asset law are Arizona, Nevada, California, New Mexico, Idaho, Washington, Louisiana, Wisconsin and Texas. All of these states agree that all things earned while the marriage should be divided equally at the time of a divorce.

Unless an estate plan is clearly written out and notarized, each state will resolve exactly who gets what in the even of a split between the couple. While they result the same normal rule, the courts will resolve exactly how their assets will be divided if rules between spouses are not written clearly.

Alaska also falls under the list of community asset states but has a microscopic more leniency when it comes to the law. The combine can resolve what asset they will consider separate and what they will think community. If person lives in one of the nine community asset states listed above, they have to be specific with any gifts or inheritance they may obtain while the marriage. If the individual decides they want to keep something that is given specifically to them, they need to put it in a detach list that is under their name only.

States who don't have the community asset laws keep all assets separated between the husband and wife. If a disunion occurs, the husband and wife keep all things that is in their own name, including debt. If whatever is listed jointly, the courts resolve who gets what.

Sometimes this can work out good if one person is the sole earner. They aren't going to give the other person the things they have worked hard for.

For investors that plan to or have over the years accumulated large amounts of investment properties and live in a state that falls under the list of community asset states, it would be wise to file your taxes detach from your spouses.

The tax benefits are not as great for those who file separately but they will have less tax liability.

The laws also make provisions for the funds of real estate investments into safe entities like microscopic liability fellowships or trusts. I would like to state very strongly that expert legal aid and guidance is very important and can safe you from getting in way over your head.

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20 Biggest Grant making Foundations For Christian Organizations

Attorney General Child Support Interactive - 20 Biggest Grant making Foundations For Christian Organizations

Good afternoon. Today, I learned all about Attorney General Child Support Interactive - 20 Biggest Grant making Foundations For Christian Organizations. Which may be very helpful in my opinion and also you. 20 Biggest Grant making Foundations For Christian Organizations

The interrogate of what foundations to turn to for funding is one Christian ministries and churches ponder over all the time. There are of procedure varied factors to consider. The degree of compatibility in the middle of your mission and the aims of a foundation remains the most foremost consideration. But at a time when foundation funding is declining, it helps to know which foundations are giving the most - along with knowing a diminutive about their comprehensive purpose, the kinds of Christian organizations they fund, and the kinds of programs that interest them.

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The following are the top 20 Christian grant funding sources in terms of funding generosity.

1. Of all the Christian grant foundations accepting applications at this time the Alharetta, Georgia-based National Christian Foundation (Ncf) provides the most funds. Seeking to added the gospel of Jesus Christ, its funding territory is national. This is largely a donor advised fund. A donor-advised fund is a charitable giving car administered by a third party and created for the purpose of managing charitable donations on profit of an organization, family, or individual. A donor-advised fund offers the chance to create an easy-to-establish, low cost, flexible car for charitable giving as an alternative to direct giving or creating a incommunicable foundation.

Ncf helps individuals and families plan their giving straight through such programs as the legacy Fund (after death giving). It advises them on asset giving (cash, stocks, real estate, enterprise interests, restricted securities) and shows them how to balance wage needs and estate planning goals (through charitable trusts and charitable gift annuities.)

The single Charity Fund allows supporters to donate all kinds of assets; the professional Advisors group - comprised of financial planners, Cpa's, attorneys, and more - advises supporters in the art of tax-efficient giving.

2. The Christian Aid Ministries is a foundation based in Berlin, Ohio. Having an international gift giving scope, the Ministries seeks to "provide spiritual and material assistance such as food, clothing, medicine, and Christian literature to needy people in varied countries." It also provides urgency funds and in-kind gifts. The Ministries supports Amish, Mennonite, and other conservative Anabaptists as they clergyman to the corporeal and religious needs of people worldwide. It aids victims of war, famine, and natural disasters.

3. The Nehemiah Corporation is a foundation out of Sacramento, California. Its mission is to facilitate "home possession and asset amelioration opportunities for diverse populations in underserved neighborhoods over the U.S., while maintaining a commitment to successful, responsible homeownership." It gives mostly to California foundations and individuals and to Christian organizations that hold its mission.

4. The Trinity Christian town of Santa Ana is a foundation from Tustin, California. It supports Christian services and organizations that seek to spread the gospel nearby the world. It provides care, comfort, and urgency aid to the sick, the disabled, the homeless. It is also known for producing televised religious broadcasts for ministries that spread the gospel worldwide.

5. The Barnabas Foundation is a foundation from Tinley Park, Illinois that supports its nearly 200 member Christian ministries straight through planned giving and estate planning. Its participating churches include legacy Churches, Good Steward Ministry Churches, Member Asset supervision Churches, Member Churches. It also offers stewardship schooling as well as amelioration programs that facilitate stewardship "based on God's possession of all gifts."

6. The J. Bulow Campbell Foundation is an independent foundation from Atlanta, Georgia. The foundation seeks to uplift "intellectual and spiritual life, preferably projects of a permanent nature or for capital funds." It does not fund operating expenses or recurrent programs except in cases where funding might allow a vital new program to consequent without lasting hold from the foundation. It gives anonymously to church-related agencies of the Presbyterian Church, but not to congregations. It mostly supports organizations in Georgia, though it does give to organizations in Alabama, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee.

7. The Rupert H. Johnson Foundation is an independent foundation in San Mateo, California that generally funds only educational programs in California and Virginia. Only Christian organizations seeking grants for schooling programs in these two geographic regions would be eligible for funding.

8. The Rees-Jones Foundation, a family foundation based in Dallas, Texas, funds "programs that help heighten the capability of life for the underserved of north Texas." It provides employee/matching gifts and funds capital campaigns, normal operations, supervision and program development, and scholarship funds. It supports churches that seek to relax hunger, and it provides medical care for the mentally and physically disabled, educational opportunities for youth, and affordable housing, shelter, and spiritual amelioration for those left behind.

9. The Poplar Foundation is an independent foundation that mostly gives within its base of Memphis and the metropolitan area. It funds mostly youth services and education. Ministries that focus on these two areas are eligible for funding.

10. The Wege Foundation, an independent foundation in Grand Rapids, Michigan, gives mostly within Kent County and above all in Grand Rapids. Christian agencies that contribute health, human services, and schooling are likelier to receive funding from the foundation than those that do not. It funds each year campaigns, building/renovation, capital campaigns, curriculum development, endowments, equipment, matching/challenge campaigns, and program development.

11. The Hope Christian community Foundation is a Christian social charity community foundation in Memphis, Tennessee that "helps Christians share their wealth with others in the most thoughtful and sufficient ways." It serves ministries by administering and managing group funds, gift a cash supervision pool, investing endowments, and making grants straight through the Hope of Memphis Fund. It partners with churches to serve the community, administer church and donor-advised funds for church members, and offer a cash supervision pool.

12. The Maclellan Foundation is a Chattanooga, Tennessee-based independent foundation. It gives internationally and nationally, stressing Chattanooga. It is the largest of a group of four family foundations that are committed to "fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ straight through strategic giving." The foundation provides financial and leadership training to local organizations that heighten the spiritual wellbeing of the Commission by working "to enlarge the Kingdom of God to every tribe, nation, person, and tongue." Toward that end, the foundation offers consulting services, equipment, general/operating support, program amelioration and evaluation, and seed money to Christian organizations.

13. The New York City-based American Bible community is a foundation that translates, publishes, and distributes the Bible in every language it can. The community wants every someone "to perceive the Bible's life changing message." It collaborates with other Christian organizations including Faith Comes by Hearing, the originator of an audio version of the Bible. Other partners are Feed the Children, the forces Ministry, Mission Year, Samaritan Purse/Operation Christmas Child, United Bible Societies, and the National relationship of State and Regional Bible Societies.

14. The National Endowment relationship is a social charity in Princeton, Indiana that helps small to mid-sized charities in the United States, mostly religious ministries, endow funds. The objective is to free ministries from the constant demands of fundraising so they can devote more time to their missions. The relationship helps them solicit long-term planned gifts, something the larger charities already have the means to do. It helps them tap into larger funding sources straight through tax-exempt planning. It also helps them promote their charity by gift website templates, educational classes, marketing material templates, marketing/fundraising consultation, and donor/consumer seminars.

15. The Harold Simmons Foundation of Dallas, Texas is a company-sponsored foundation. It provides grants that hold zoos, arts and culture, education, energy, health, substance abuse treatment, Hiv/Aids treatment, disaster relief, athletics, human services, human rights, community development, programs that address women's issues, and Christian organizations. It gives mostly in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.

16. The Norcliffe Foundation is an independent foundation in Seattle, Washington. It gives to organizations that benefit the arts and cultural organizations, hospitals, early childhood development, higher and secondary education, and historic preservation. It also supports medical study and health associations, hospices, the environment and conservation, and social services that include programs for the disabled, the homeless, child welfare, youth agencies, and the aged. The foundation's Christian grantees are the Roman Catholic Church and religious associations. It gives mostly in the Puget Sound area of Washington, especially in Seattle.

17. The Stephen and Mary Birch Foundation of Wilmington, Delaware is an independent foundation that gives throughout the United States. It supports nonprofit institutions, communities, and organizations that hold research, medical, health, educational, sports, social services, and artistic programs in communities over the nation. Christian organizations that work in any of these areas are eligible for funding.

18. The Harry J. Lloyd Charitable Trust in Overland Park, Kansas "supports God's work as described in the Great Commission by spreading evangelism throughout the world." It primarily supports organizations and programs that added this mission. The Trust provides grants that help start new ministries or new programs or enlarge current programs. It funds organizations that are creative, accountable, stable, and effective. It also funds Christian programs that contribute housing, food, medical assistance, and schooling for the poor. It may also hold medical study in separate areas.

19. The Lynn and raise Freiss family Foundation is an independent foundation out of Jackson, Wyoming. It mostly funds faith-based entrepreneurial programs, especially one-one-one mentoring. The foundation provides general/operating support, matching/challenge support, and program-related investment/loans.

20. Ibs-Stl is a foundation from Colorado Springs, Colorado. It came about in 2007 from a merger of the National Bible community and Send the Light. It gives nationally and internationally to Christian organizations that added its mission of translating, interpreting, and publishing the Bible. Its goal is to give more and more people throughout the world the chance to perceive the Bible.

Some foundations exist solely to benefit Christian ministries and churches. Others lack a direct relationship to Christianity but work to solve problems that are at the core of Christian concern. Some have a diminutive geographic focus; others have a national focus; still others have an international focus. But wherever your society operates, and anything programs it has, many (if not most) of these foundations are viable funding possibilities for your organization. And there are countless other possibilities. The Christian Funding Directory (Cfd), Foundation Directory Online, and Foundation crusade are the most vital sources of data about foundations.

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